August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024



 Principal's Message

Dear Cheetah Community, 

Thank you!

We had another great week at Theuerkauf! I want to thank the PTA and Cheetah families who made it to the Principal/PTA coffee this past Friday! It felt so energizing to be able to talk to you about the amazing educational practices we have put in place this year at Theuerkauf. 

Theuerkauf Goals: 

Our goals this year will be to continue to build our Theuerkauf community and our academic focus is all about reading with the support of our newly adopted program based on the Science of Reading. As a teacher, I was trained in these explicit, direct, and repetitive exposure strategies. I truely believe in this approach to teaching and I am so proud of our staff for diving head first into learning this new curriculum! This year we are also offering even more targeted support for students based on data collected. Teachers are collaborating with each other about cohorts of students and creating target instructional groups based on the needs of each student. This is done during English Language Development (ELD), Response to Instruction (RTI) enhanced with reading intervention (RI), and there is push in teacher support during math instruction. It is going to be an incredible year. With the strong focus on community and academics, Theuerkauf is the place to be! 


Back To School Night (BTSN)- TONIGHT! 5:30-6:15pm, 6:30-7:15pm

Just a reminder that you are cordially invited to our annual Back to School Night on Wednesday, August 28. This is one of the most important nights of the year for adults, so please try to clear your calendar!  We will have two sessions to accommodate families with multiple children and allow them the opportunity to visit more than one classroom that night. Session one will begin at 5:30-6:15pm. and session two will begin at 6:30-7:15 p.m. BTSN is an important opportunity for families to learn about their children’s classrooms, grade level programming, and general expectations. See you later tonight!

With Gratitude,

Principal Danielle Lyons

 Important Dates


Wednesday, August 28th - Back to School Night~ 5:30-7:15pm- Minimum Day~Dismissal 12:10pm

Monday, September 2nd- Labor Day~ No School

Thursday, September 5th- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00pm (Zoom)

Friday, September 6th- Community Check-in~ 3:30-4:30pm (Register)

Tuesday, September 10th- PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30pm

Wednesday, September 11th - Picture Day

Thursday, September 19th~ MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00pm (Zoom) 

Friday, September 27th- Walk-a-thon 1:30-5:30pm

Thursday,  October 3rd- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00pm (Zoom)

Friday, October 4th- Community Check- in 3:30-4:30pm (Zoom)

 School News


Here is a copy of our school handbook in both English and Spanish (English/Spanish).


School & Community Engagement Facilitator (SCEF)

As part of Theuerkauf’s plan, we have a School and Community Engagement Facilitator who works to ensure that every student, family, and community member feels valued and supported while working, learning, and partnering with our school. Here at Theuerkauf, Lisset Tellez Garduno is our School and Community Engagement Facilitator. She specifically focuses on students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and/or English learners and works to organize parent education and support positive student behavior. Lisset’s overall goal is to increase parent education and engagement, support our PTA and ELAC parent groups, and form strong relationships with students and families. She can be reached at [email protected]


Medication Forms

If your child requires medication to be kept at school, please email Ms. Sherri Minor [email protected] to be emailed medication release forms during our first week of school and then return the form ASAP (we cannot administer any medication without the form).  Please note that all medication, even over the counter ones, need a medication form signed by your doctor.  


Reporting an Absence

Please call the office at 650-903-6925 or email  [email protected]  to report an absence or late arrival.  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.


Stay in touch

Please take a moment and follow our district and school social media accounts. Staying in touch with us on social media will keep you in the loop on important happenings, as well as provide a critical line of communication during emergencies.

Click on the account links below and like or follow to stay in touch!

Mountain View Whisman School District  - FacebookInstagramYouTubeVimeo

Theuerkauf Elementary - FacebookInstagram

 District News

No MVWSD+ Afterschool Programs on Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Due to preparations for Elementary School Back to School Night and afterschool staff development, there will be no MVWSD+ Afterschool Programs on Wednesday, August 28 (a minimum day for students). MVWSD+ families, thank you in advance for making other arrangements. This affects all Right At School programs, all Beyond the Bell programs, and the district-paid YMCA programs. Please note that due to contractual reasons, parent-paid YMCA programs will still operate. All programs resume as normal on Thursday, August 29.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or call (650) 526-3500 x1061. 


School meals are free, but fill out the EzSchool Meals application to help you and your school

MVWSD will continue to provide free meals this year to all students as part of California’s universal meal program.

However, parents need to reapply for the Free and Reduced Price Meals program now for this school year. If you think you could qualify (qualifying income levels listed here), we ask you to apply at EzSchool Meals to help MVWSD receive additional funding to support students who are in need, and may help your family. If your child is eligible for free and/or reduced-price meals, your family could get medical benefits, housing benefits, utilities benefits and more. Qualifying is one factor in your child’s eligibility for free MVWSD after school care and summer camp.

The more applications your school gathers at the start of each school year, the more additional funding it can receive for all kinds of programs. If you are currently out of work, you may qualify and help your school, regardless of your financial situation. Apply at or call your school office.


Parent University: The Science of Reading, Part 1 of 2 

Date and Time: September 10, 2024, 5:30-7:00 pm  Registration Link:

Reading is fundamental. But how do we best teach children to do it? And how do we support them at home? In this two-part series, we will uncover the “Science of Reading”, how our new district curriculum is based on this science, and how parents can translate the science into practical routines and strategies at home. 

About the speaker: Dr. Cyndee Nguyen is MVWSD’s Director of Early Literacy. She leads district efforts to ensure that all students, especially those of early elementary age, develop into capable and confident readers. Previously, Dr. Nguyen was a primary grade teacher and the principal of Bubb Elementary School.

To submit questions prior to the event, go to We will do our best to address your question during the session.


Parent U: District Orientation recordings available

Recordings of the Parent University District Orientation presentation are available in English and Spanish. To register in advance for future Parent U meetings, visit


MVEF - Who we are and why we matter - Please donate!

The Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF)  is a volunteer-driven non-profit dedicated to funding innovative programs for all students in the MVWSD district. 

Thanks to your donations, MVEF provides your child with a competitive, well-rounded education. School funding covers salaries, facilities, and core academics, while MVEF funding enhances the learning environment with art, music, environmental science, middle school athletics, and additional English teachers, reducing class sizes by over 20%  in middle school. 

To maintain these programs, MVEF seeks donations from parents and community members. The suggested amount per student is $1,100, also payable as a recurring monthly payment, but every donation is meaningful. All donations are tax-deductible. Visit for more information and to donate. Thank you for your support!


Living Classroom: MVWSD Volunteer Information Meetings 

Living Classroom is a non-profit organization that provides hands-on, garden-based lessons to MVWSD students in TK through 6th Grade.  We welcome parent volunteers to help with our lessons in their children's classrooms, but we are also seeking volunteer docents who would like to be trained to teach our lessons throughout the school district.  If you are interested in becoming a Living Classroom docent, please attend one of our upcoming information meetings:

Thursday, August 29th, 2024, 9:15-10:15 am; or

Friday, August 30th, 2024, 1:00-2:00 pm

Both meetings will be held in Conference Room C, MVWSD Office, 1400 Montecito Avenue, Mountain View. Please contact Susan Harder at [email protected] if you have questions or would like further information.

 PTA News
 From Our Community Partners

MV Public Library: Upcoming Parent Programs 

Parenting Program: Individualized Education Program: Thursday, September 5, 2024, Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm. Matthew Torres, an IDEA Specialist from the San Andreas Regional Center, will expertly guide parents through the IEP (Individualized Education Program) process. Gain insights to support and enhance your advocacy for your child. This program is perfect for parents new to the IEP process and seasoned advocates, offering practical tools and knowledge to navigate and champion your child's educational journey. Register in advance for this online meeting.

Calmer Connections: Supporting the Anxious Child: Thursday, September 19, 2024, Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. With a warm and compassionate approach, Liat Justin, LCSW, supports countless families navigating the challenges of childhood anxiety. Liat empowers parents with the tools and strategies needed to increase their child's emotional well-being. Suitable for parents of children and teens. Register in advance for this online meeting.


Announcing the MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series for 2024-25 

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is thrilled to unveil our speaker line-up for the 2024-25 school year! Local and nationally recognized experts will lead parents in conversations about wide-ranging topics, including navigating the evolving cultural landscape around sex, parenting in our high-achievement environment, exploring the difficulties of parenting boys in contemporary society, learning about a case study in racism at a local high school, and making informed decisions about higher education. View the 2024-25 speaker line-up at


Mountain View Citywide Garage Sale

The Mountain View Citywide Garage Sale is back!  Join hundreds of residents holding garage sales on Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15.  This event helps keep reusable items out of the landfill to conserve natural resources.

Seller registration is open until September 4.  Sellers may choose to participate on only one day or both days of the sale. Online and printed address lists will show which day(s) each participating seller is open.

For shoppers, a new online map will allow you to filter garage sales by dates open and items listed, as well as other enhanced features to help shoppers plan which homes to visit for the event.

Sellers can register their Mountain View homes for the sale and shoppers can access the map at


The Learning Challenges Committee is looking for members!

Are you interested in helping students with learning challenges? This can include students who receive special education services, students with a 504 plan, or any student with a learning challenge.

The Learning Challenges Committee of the Los Altos Mountain View PTA Council (LCC) helps provide teachers and school staff in Mountain View and Los Altos schools with supplies in their classrooms related to learning challenges. We also can host parent education events, meet with special education administrators and more. We need a variety of parent and student voices to help us best decide how we can help teachers and students about these issues. 

An introductory meeting about the LCC will be held on Zoom on Tuesday 9/3 at 7:30 pm. Register here

Our Learning Challenges Support Group will meet on Zoom on Tuesday, 9/17 at 10 am Register here

Can you attend 2-3 meetings per year to help make these kinds of decisions with the LCC? Please email [email protected]

We need more voices to help students with learning challenges. We need you!

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