October 23, 2024

October 23, 2024


 Principal's Message

Dear Cheetah Community, 

Safety Month Continues in MVWSD! 

I am so proud to announce that staff and students did a phenomenal job with our earthquake drill last Thursday. I started the announcement of the earthquake drill at 9:15am and we got our “all clear” by 10:05am. This is our quickest time yet!  All of our staff jumped right into their jobs quickly and were successful in completing all of our very detailed procedures. Congratulations to our students and staff. The next drill we will discuss with students will take place on Friday, October 25th at a time designated by your child’s teacher. This is the Dangerous Intruder procedure. Our schools will review what to do in the event of a dangerous intruder or similar event on campus. Practice at the elementary schools means students will view an age-appropropriate “dangerous intruder” video (which you may preview here) and talk with their teacher. The video and classroom discussion will encourage children to stay calm, follow directions, and listen to trusted adults. For more details about safety at school, please seehttps://www.mvwsd.org/safety.

We have supplies for emergencies at school. Do you have them at home?

Now is the time to prepare your home disaster supply kit. An earthquake could mean being without food, water or electricity for hours or days.  A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items, including your own food, water and other supplies, to last for several days that you’ll need in the event of an emergency. This is the week for your family to create or update your home kit.Here’s what should be in it. (Spanish)

Greening Input from Parents at Theuerkauf! - Wed. October 23rd from 6-7pm (Zoom Link)

Meeting ID: 863 1390 8908

Passcode: Green

Please join me on Zoom to give your feedback about Greening at Theuerkauf! We are looking forward to hearing community feedback about what you want to see on campus for our students. I will go over Theuerkauf’s greening score to start the discussion and give visuals of some options to get ideas. Then I will open it up to you to hear what is most important to your family and what you would like to see on campus. Students and staff members will also have separate times to give their feedback. 

Thank you for coming to your conferences, being on time, and partnering with your child’s teacher! If you didn’t sign up, I am sure your teacher can still find a time! Please reach out to them.  

Please read the “school news” section for more information about counseling this year at Theuerkauf. 

Warm Regards,

Principal Danielle Lyons 

 Important Dates


October 21th-October 25th- Teacher/Parent Conference Week- Minimum Days- Dismissal 12:10

Friday, October 25th - Trunk or Treat in the TH Parking Lot - 5:30-7:00pm

Monday, October 28th - Friday, October 31st- Walden West for 5th grade 

Friday, November 1st- End of 1st Trimester- Minimum Day, Dismissal 12:10pm

Thursday, November 7th- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00 (Zoom)

Monday, November 11th- Veterans Day - No School

Friday, November 15th- Report cards go home electronically

Thursday, November 21st- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00pm (Zoom)

Friday, November 22nd- Community Check-In 3:30-4:30 (Zoom)

Friday, November 25th-November 29th- Thanksgiving Recess- No School

 School News


School counseling at Theuerkauf 

Dear Cheetah Parents,

I’d like to take a moment to update you on how we support our students with counseling and mental health services at Theuerkauf. Here’s how your student may experience these services throughout the school year.


Our school counselor, Leigh Wilson, plays an important role in supporting our students through the three domains of school counseling: academic, college & career (exploring strengths and interests), and social emotional. She is actively engaged on campus, often visiting classrooms to lead lessons on Self Management, Relationship Skills, or Problem Solving. Other times she may push into your child’s class to join a class meeting and support community building. She works closely with our School Psychologist, Behavior Analysts, and Mental Health Specialists, as well as our teachers and me. Being present and accessible allows her to build strong rapport with our Cheetahs to better understand their needs.


Although our counselor is available to everyone as a whole school support, she also may meet with smaller groups of students for crisis support, necessary drop-in appointments, targeted small groups (healthy friendships, conflict resolution, emotional regulation), and even a few one-on-one sessions. School-based counseling, whether it’s small group or one-on-one, is meant to be short-term (up to 8 weeks) and will involve parental consent. If more support is needed, our counselor can recommend outside support and community resources.


There is a referral process for these services. Our school has a Coordination of Services Team (COST), consisting of a group of educators, support staff, and admin that meet to collaborate and make recommendations for any struggling students. If a student needs support within the counseling domain, Ms. Wilson will review the case to help the teacher and/or student with specific strategies to use in class, invite to a targeted small group, or make recommendations for other services within or outside our school. 


In some cases, students may have more specific or intensive needs. They might approach a counselor themselves, or their teacher or a parent may refer them.  When this happens, our counselor conducts an intake process to assess the student’s needs. If a student requires services beyond what our school counselor can provide, we partner with Pacific Clinics. Pacific Clinics reaches out to families within 24 hours of receiving a referral, connecting students with specialists, clinicians, or programs to address needs such as social skills, anxiety, depression, trauma, behavioral challenges and more.


Previously, we worked with CHAC for school-based counseling, but have transitioned to each school having our own full-time school counselor.  As we use school based counseling with support from Pacific Clinics for more intensive needs, we are seeing more flexibility and effectiveness in the support we can offer. By staffing School Counselors at MVWSD, we are better prepared to provide prevention and intervention for all students.  Having counselors right here on campus allows us to know our students better, connect them with the support they need, and help coordinate services and referrals.


Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to prioritize the well-being of every student in our community.

Cool Cat Winners going above and beyond to show or give RESPONSIBILITY for Oct. 21st.

Ruhi P.                           Rm 13

Aaron B.                        Rm 14

Elijah V.                         Rm 11

Hasanat K.                    Rm 15

Imogen H.                     Rm 16

Aria D.                           Rm 6

Emily S.                         Rm 7

Liam X.                          Rm 9

Evan M.                         Rm 8

Hope C.                         Rm 17

Chris H.                         Rm 18

Emma M.                       Rm 20

Roisin C.                        Rm 19

Zachary S.                     Rm 21


Morning Costume Parade - Thursday, October 31st from 8:15-8:30am near the playground 

We will have a school wide costume parade on the blacktop. We will start to make two lines at 8:10. We will then have each grade level walk through the two lines to show off their costume. We will cheer and clap. If you prefer your child is not a part of this costume parade, please let their teacher know and we will have a separate fall activity for them during that 15 minutes!

Costume Reminders:

  • Only masks to prevent the transmission of COVID are allowed. No masks allowed so we can see everyone’s face.

  • No hand held “props” will be allowed out at recess, feel free to take these home after the parade.

  • Violence – no pretend “prop” weapons at all allowed on campus such as guns, knives, or swords. We would like to promote costumes that align with our values of being kind and inclusive. 

  • Appropriateness – costumes cannot promote violence or be offensive or inappropriate in any way.


Día De Los Muertos

The Day of the Dead, is celebrated from October 31st through November 2nd, is a time of both joy and quiet remembrance as families honor their loved ones who have passed away. While variations of the Day of the Dead are celebrated in many Latin American countries, some of the most well-known traditions are those from Mexico, where the celebration coincides with the return of the Monarch butterflies.


Here at Theuerkauf, every year we celebrate the Day of the Dead by celebrating life. We honor our loved ones by putting the altar and placing their picture with an offering. If you would like to add your loved one’s picture. Please bring it to the office with a small offering. Make sure you add your student’s name on the back, so we can return it when we bring down the altar.


We also have a Calaverita contest from October 15th to 25th. Every classroom was provided with Calaverita drawings. Your student was able to choose from three different choices. If your student is interested in participating but has not returned to his teacher or the office the Calaverita please have your student bring it to the office no later than this Friday, October 25th. We will choose the winners by November 1st.  


Notice: One Theuerkauf playground temporarily closed for construction

The Theuerkauf playground closest to the tennis courts/baseball diamond will be getting a new surface to ensure a safer, cleaner, and more enjoyable experience for our students. The playground will be closed from Oct. 21 to 25 for construction. 


Contractors will be working on-site from approximately 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day. During this time, the area immediately surrounding it will be fenced for student safety. There will be minimal noise with no heavy equipment used. The project is expected to take 1-2 days to complete, though the playground will remain closed for the full week to allow time for proper curing.


Thank you for your understanding and patience. For questions about the project, please call the Mountain View Parks Department at 650-903-6326.


 District News

Drafts available: Single Plans for Student Achievement

Each year, our schools create Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs or “site plans”) that guide the work for the coming year. These plans help us prioritize programs and strategies that will best serve our students. In the fall, elected parent representatives from School Site Councils and English Language Advisory Committees work with principals and school staff members to create a draft that is reviewed and approved by the MVWSD Board of Trustees. Parents and staff members may give feedback through Nov. 15 to their principal and elected parent representatives to SSC and ELAC. You may review the draft plans here.


MVWSD seeking District Equity Advisory Committee members

MVWSD is continuing our work by engaging meaningfully with the community on issues of equity through the District Equity Advisory Committee (DEAC). The goal of the DEAC is to provide feedback to the Superintendent on how to support MVWSD towards achieving its goals of becoming a more equitable and inclusive school district.

We are seeking a combination of district-level leaders, principals, teachers, staff members, and parent participants who represent the interests of both elementary and middle schools. Committee members will be expected to attend and participate virtually in meetings held once monthly (on average) online during the 2024-25 school year in the evening hours. 

If you’re interested in participating, please click here to apply.


MVEF has reached its second milestone - $400k! Make your donation soon to achieve the goal of $1.2M.

Thanks to the generosity of new donors, repeat donors, corporate matching, and grants, MVEF has already raised 1/3 of this year’s $1.2M funding goal. Thank you to all who have donated so far and a special thanks to the "Nusimow Family Giving Fund" for the generous donation of $50k. 

It’s a fast start on a big climb: MVWSD will soon begin planning for next year’s budget. When MVEF is on pace to meet the funding goal early in the school year, it gives confidence that we can continue funding the current priorities and potentially add new ones to next year’s budget.

Consider donating today - it's tax-deductible! Every gift, big or small, makes a difference. Setting up monthly installments is easy, just select "recurring donation" here. Learn more about ways to give here. Ever considered donating stocks? Learn more about it here

 PTA News

Trunk or Treat is Friday, Oct 25, 5:30-7pm - Sign up here to decorate your car or donate candy.

Scholastic Book Fair planning meeting - Oct 25, 8am by the school library. Hope to see you there.

Yearbooks on sale now! Regular price: $14.04+tax, 10% discount until October 31, 2024  Our yearbook includes 42 pages of class and school activities memories from this year, as well as 2 custom pages that you design, unique to your own yearbook. https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1016316858373987

Questions? Email [email protected]

*If you would like financial assistance getting a yearbook please contact our SCEF Ms. Lisset Tellez. [email protected]

**Please also consider purchasing a yearbook to donate to a family needing financial assistance.

*** OPT-OUT: If you prefer that your child NOT be pictured in the yearbook at all, please contact us at [email protected]

 From Our Community Partners


MV Public Library Parenting Program: Navigating Type 1 Diabetes 

The Mountain View Public Library will hold a virtual parent program, “Navigating Type 1 Diabetes with Lucile Packard Children's Hospital” on Wednesday, October 30, from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. A roundtable of experts from the Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Care Team at Stanford's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital will share information on early signs, latest medical technologies, and research, along with practical tips on behavioral and physiological concerns. Session is for families generally concerned, newly diagnosed, and those managing ongoing care. Register in advance here.


City of MV: Día de Muertos 

Join the City of Mountain View to celebrate Día de Muertos at Civic Center Plaza on November 2 from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to the celebration of memories and a ritual that “encourages remembering over forgetting.”  Learn about these festivities and delight with the ofrendas and altars decorated with Cempasúchitl flowers, or marigolds, papel picado, sugar skulls, and a myriad of colors created and inspired by community members. The event will feature live performances and children’s activities. Learn more at MountainView.gov/Dia-de-Muertos.

Learning Challenges events for Fall 2024

For local coverage of issues related to learning challenges and special education, please check out the Learning Challenges Committee http://learningchallenges.lamvptac.org/

For broader coverage, look into the Northwest SCC SELPA CAC


Northwest Santa Clara County CAC meeting

October 29, 9 am

Register: https://sccoe.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpfuipqTwiGd2j1kNEBuVtKlTXV4IJn1TB


Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

October 30, 9 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqcu-vrDsiHdW_I5OTIYOiHcpy1tEmzuta


Who’s Who is Serving Our Little Ones? - Planning and Strategies for Children 3-5

From Department of Developmental Services and Palo Alto CAC

November 14, 6-7 pm on Zoom. Register: http://bit.ly/DDSTraining2


Evening Let’s Talk Parent Support group

November 19, 7 pm  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtfu2hrj0pG9zqGFeTzEnqs1U7cVxTcfl-


Learning Challenges Committee Meeting

December 3, 7:30 pm on Zoom

The LCC is working on providing a support group for parents, and planning to create a wish list for teachers throughout Mountain View and Los Altos for classroom supplies to support sensory needs. Would you like to help? Other ideas to support students and families with learning challenges? Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-usrj8tEtNskynSpmorDiYZNt9_KAgq


Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

December 19, 10 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrduupqD0vEtSpweFX71KvNAcKW8Csy4D3


Missed past Parent Education events?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including the recent talk on Assistive Technology, info on summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw

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