May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024


 Principal's Message

Dear Cheetah Community, 

Thank you so much for joining in on this beautiful journey we created together. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know, and support your cheetah family! One of my top three goals this year after interviewing parents, students, and staff members was building our school community. With your help we have achieved this goal! Between PTA, ELAC, and school events we held over 17 after school events for our cheetah community! That’s almost two events a month! Thank you for participating and partnering with the school to spread cheetah cheer, learn, and make new connections! When parents are involved in their child’s education, it is proven that the child will have even more success. We set the bar high this year, but join me next year in even more fun, learning opportunities, and excitement to make next school year even better! Thank you for your continuous support this year. I look forward to seeing what we can do together next year! Feel free to share your future ideas with me, PTA, or ELAC committees! 

Summer Learning Program + Prizes! 

Summer is just around the corner, which means lots of outdoor play, family time, and daily academic practice!  We know from brain research and our own lived experiences that skills that are not practiced, or periodically reviewed, can be forgotten.  Students have worked so hard this year to learn and grow. We want to make sure they maintain these skills over the summer!  We know that convincing students to do daily academic practice may be tricky, so we’re helping with an optional Summer Learning Menu: Menuand Work Log.

  • Students can complete i-Ready Reading or Math, Zearn Math, or Khan Academy lessons.  The self-paced i-Ready lessons are tailored to students’ individual levels, based on their third trimester diagnostic assessments.

  • Students can read.  Daily reading is the most effective way to become a better reader. We read by reading the words, reading the pictures, retelling familiar texts, and listening to others read. We also read a variety of text types: picture books, novels, newspapers, magazines, blogs, graphic novels, comic books, etc.

  • Students can complete Math Fluency Activities. Students can play a math fluency card game with a deck of cards, practice with some flashcards, or complete a math learning game on i-Ready.

  • Students can complete STEAM or Profile of a Graduate challenges.  Students can complete these challenges on their own, with a friend, or with their families!

Summer Learning Prizes: For each activity = Color in one box 

(Ex. I completed 20 minutes of reading and 1 math page = color in two boxes!) 

Summer Learning August Prizes! 

Turn in your page during the first week of school to earn these prizes! 

Complete 1-20 Activities 


Complete 21-40 

Popsicle Party!

Complete 41-60 

Journaling Journey  

(Extra Recess + journal and TH pencil) 

Complete 61-80 

Glow Stick Party! 

Complete 81-100 

Pizza with the Principal

As a reminder, current grade 2 and 4 students will not have their school-issued Chromebooks this summer because they need to be serviced to keep them in good working order. Students can still access their Clever dashboard from any non-school issued device. You can also use the summer packet sent home to count as activities! Don’t forget, you can always make a weekly trip to the public library to stock up on some great books this summer!!

Please see “How to access summer learning on home devices” here: in grades TK-2 will receive their printed Clever badge (QR Code) from their teacher by Wednesday, May 29. 

Thanks for supporting your children with maintaining their skills over the summer!

Save The Dates! Summer Playdates!!!

  1. We have a few playdates throughout the summer to continue building up the Cheetah Community!  Please check out the document below with details.  And if you want to organize another playdate/get-together, that would be FANTASTIC! Click here: Summer Cheetah Playdates Document

  2. Incoming Kinder Summer Learning Pick Up “Popsicles and Play!” - June 5th, 4-5:30pm  (See email from 5/22)

  3. Incoming Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Playdate August, 8th 4-5pm 

Results of the annual 5th grade vs. Staff Kickball game

It is very bittersweet for me to announce that the 5th grade students won the annual kickball game by one point! Awesome job to the fans and players who cheered and participated! Thank you refs! And congratulations to the 5th grade class! The Cheetah staff will be reflecting, studying the replays, and strategizing for next year. 

I hope you have a wonderful summer! We can’t wait to see you back in August!
Warm Regards,

Principal Danielle Lyons

 Important Dates


  • Wednesday, May 29th- Yearbook Distribution by PTA: 8:15-8:45 am by the front gate and 1:35-2pm by the TK/Kinder dismissal gate and 2:35-3:15pm by the front gate

  • Thursday, May 30th- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00 (Zoom)

  • Thursday, May 30th-  Bookmobile after school

  • Thursday, May 30th - 5th grade promotion 11:20-12:10pm (adults must check in the front office with an Identification card or Passport) 

  • Friday, May 31st- Kinder End of the year Celebration 10:50 am to 12pm (adults must check in the front office with an Identification card or Passport) 

  • Friday, May 31st-Last Day of School- Minimum Day-Dismissal 12:10pm

  • Wednesday, June 5th - Incoming kinder summer learning packets! 4-5:30pm

  • Thursday, August 8th - Incoming TK Playdate @ TH 4-5pm

  • Tuesday, August 13th - First day of 24-25 school year - Minimum Day-Dismissal 12:10pm

 School News


Medication Pick-up

If your child has medications in the school office we ask that you please pick up any medications by the last day of school, May 31st." You may email [email protected] if you would like to authorize the school to place the medication in your child's backpack on the last day of school.

Cool Cat Winners

Cool Cat Winners going above and beyond to show or give Integrity, Perseverance, Responsibility, Respect and Courage for May 24th

Alyssa P.                                  Rm 13

Scarlett W.                               Rm 13

Messiah R.                              Rm 15

Darlin Martinez                        Rm 16

Genesis A.                               Rm 7

Barrett R.                                 Rm 6

Nicholas M.                             Rm 8

Ayrton Y.                                  Rm 9

Amilia H.                                  Rm 12

Jair M.                                      Rm 17

Matrim M.                                 Rm 18

Julissa G.                                 Rm 19

Itzae H.                                    Rm 20

Emma S.                                  Rm 22

Rohitha V.                                Rm 21

 District News

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, May 30 at 5:30 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

  • Recognition of staff members’ years of service, retirements and Teacher and Classified Employee of the Year 

  • Public Hearing: 2024-25 Local Control Accountability Plan

  • Public Hearing: 2024-25 Budget Adoption, Overview and May Revise

  • California Dashboard - Local Indicators 2023-24

  • First Reading of Resolution of Parcel Tax Election

  • Health & Wellness Annual Report 

  • Considerations for Heritage/Awareness Months

  • ReImagining Castro Plan of Action

For meeting details and agenda, please click here:

MVWSD Summer Learning

Click here - - for a handy list of resources for students to practice their academic skills this summer.

Free Meals All Summer- Grab and Go

Free meals provided by MVWSD and Second Harvest Food Bank are available to everyone throughout the summer at these locations. No questions. No age limit. No IDs required.

  • Rengstorff Park - June 6- July 26 from 11:30 AM-12:45 PM. (No Meals June 19 & July 4)

  • Castro Elementary  - June 6 - 28 from 11:30 AM -12:30 pm. (No meal pick on June 19). Meal pick up in front of Mistral Elementary School, 505 Escuela Ave 

Turning in this Year’s Volunteer Badges; and How to Apply to be a Regular Volunteer Next Year

Parents, we are so grateful for your volunteering this year! It has been a great year, and we are looking forward to next year already. But first …

  • Please turn in your volunteer badges to the front office between now and the end of the school year. This year’s badge will not work for next year.

For all of the details and documentation requirements to get yourself set up as a frequent volunteer for the 2024-25 school year, please see MVWSD will begin accepting volunteer applications for 2024-25 on August 1. Please look for an email this summer with more details about training and applying to volunteer next year. Thank you

i-Ready Diagnostic 3 Assessments and Student Reports

Your child took the end of year i-Ready Math and Reading diagnostic assessments during the week of May 13th, 2024. Parents can access their children’s i-Ready Reading and Mathematics score via their Powerschool Parent Portal starting at 4 pm on May 31. Parents will have access to three reports for their child - For Families Report, Common Core State Standards Report (CCSS), and the Diagnostic Growth Report. Steps to access your child's i-Ready Reports on Powerschool are linked here. To learn more about how to read the reports, please click here. Please contact your child’s school office if you have any trouble accessing reports. 


Mental Health Month

All month we’ve been exploring #WhereToStart when it comes to taking care of your mental health. Life can be challenging, but every day shouldn’t feel hard or out of your control. If it does, there is help. 

One free, anonymous, quick and easy way to check for symptoms of a mental health condition is by taking a confidential mental health screener offered by Mental Health for America at

While a screener doesn’t take the place of therapy or an evaluation from a mental health professional, your results can be a great way to start a conversation with your primary care provider, a trusted friend, or a family member about your mental health. 

Once the screening is completed, MHA will share resources and tips to try on your own, ways to connect with others or find a provider, and ideas about how to address any symptoms.

It’s always a good time to start working on your mental health!

Big THANK YOU to all MVEF donors supporting our MVWSD students with art, music, science, reduced English Language Arts (ELA) class sizes, and more programs! 

As we approach the end of the school year 2023-24, MVEF wanted to take a moment to reflect and thank every single donor and community member who believes in our mission to create a well-rounded education for every single student in our district. 

With your donations, you helped 4,577 students to enrich their education in one or the other way: with art & music (TK-5), hands-on science (TK-6), field trips (4-5), reduced class sizes in ELA, sports, clubs & activities (6-8). For a more detailed overview of our programs, please visit here.

Let’s celebrate another school year with so many great opportunities thanks to your donations! We have almost reached our goal to raise $1.2MM for all the above programs. If you still wish to contribute to reach our goal, please visit here.

 PTA News


Summer Playdates

We have a few playdates throughout the summer to continue building up the Cheetah Community!  Please check out the document below with details.  And if you want to organize another playdate/get-together, that would be FANTASTIC!   (Just add the details to the document :)


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