
Report an absence (for a reason other than COVID):
* call 650.903.6925, press 2; or
Complete this online form; or
* email the secretary at [email protected]

To report a COVID absence using our online form, click here.

Please provide the following information:
  • Your child's name and room number
  • Your name and relationship to the child
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for absence 

Call before 9:00am every day the student is absent, unless you have previously notified the office. If no reason is stated in your message, the absence will be considered unexcused. Excused absences are limited to illness, doctor and dentist appointments, bereavement, and court appearances. 

Tardy Procedures

School starts promptly at 8:15am for all students. Students who arrive after 8:15am must come to the office for a tardy slip before entering class. Parents of students who are consistently tardy will be notified.


All students leaving school prior to dismissal must be signed out in the office by an authorized individual.

Children who are not picked up on time after school will be taken to the office. Parents must come into the office and sign students out, providing a reason for late pickup. Children may remain at school to use the equipment and fields only when accompanied by an adult who takes the responsibility for their supervision. 

Student Emergency Contacts 

Please make sure the student emergency contacts on file with the office are up to date and have at least 3 contacts . If there is an emergency, your child will only be released to those names. ID is required for pick up. The student will not be released without adult ID.

Please stop in the office to update your contacts.

Independent Study Contracts for Extended Absences

When an extended absence cannot be avoided, an Independent Study Contract may be available for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 14 days per year. Advanced notice (at least two weeks) to the office and teacher is required. All contract school work must be completed and must be returned the day student returns to school for the student to receive credit.

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