August 10, 2023
From the Principal's Desk
The energy and excitement in the air were remarkable these past two days as our dedicated teachers welcomed their students into classrooms filled with positivity and learning. Our cheetahs exhibited enthusiasm and curiosity, setting the tone for what promises to be an incredible academic year.
I want to express my gratitude to our teachers for their commitment to providing an enriching and safe environment for our students. Their passion for teaching and dedication to your children's education truly shine through.
As parents and guardians, your support plays a crucial role in our school community. Your encouragement, involvement, and partnership are invaluable as we work together to nurture the growth and development of each child. Please read about all the important dates and information listed below in “School News”.
Let's look forward to a year filled with learning, growth, and memorable experiences! Please continue to introduce yourself by name to me as much as possible and reach out with any ideas or suggestions you have!
Warm regards,
Principal Danielle Lyons
Important Dates
Monday, August 14th - iReady D1 Reading grades 1-2, Math 3-5
Wednesday, August 16th - iReady D1 Math 1-2, Reading 3-5
Friday, August 18th - Community Check-in with Dr. Rudolph, 3:30PM - 4:30PM Register Here
Wednesday, August 22nd Back to School Night - Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:10PM
Wednesday, August 22nd - Back-To-School-Night
Principal/PTA Coffee @ the front gate flagpole - 7:45-8:30 AM
Picture Day - September 12th
School News
Back to School Night - August 22nd
Families, you are cordially invited to our annual Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 22, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. BTSN is an important opportunity for families to learn about their children’s classrooms, grade level programming, and general expectations. We will have two sessions to accommodate families with multiple children and allow them the opportunity to visit more than one classroom that night. Session one will begin at 6:00 p.m. and session two will begin at 7:00 p.m. See you on August 22!
iReady Assessment
Our grade 1–5 students will be taking the iReady Reading and Math assessment on Monday 8/14 and Wednesday 8/16. Kinder students will take their assessments on August 21 and 23. The initial assessment for the school year helps us to establish a baseline for a student’s growth for the school year. The i-Ready data helps us monitor student progress and growth throughout the year. It also helps us identify standards that students have already mastered, as well as areas of focus during first instruction. It is important that each child does her/his best in order to provide teachers with the most accurate information.
Families, Below are some tips you may find useful to help prepare your child for the diagnostic assessment:
Explain to your child that it is important to do his/her best.
Remind your children to read through the problem a couple of times if they feel stuck.
Make sure that your child is well-rested and has breakfast the day of the assessment.
Please make sure to encourage your child.
School & Community Engagement Facilitator (SCEF)
As part of Theuerkauf’s plan, we have a School and Community Engagement Facilitator who works to ensure that every student, family, and community member feels valued and supported while working, learning, and partnering with our school. Here at Theuerkauf, Lisset Tellez Garduno is our School and Community Engagement Facilitator. She specifically focuses on students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and/or English learners and works to organize parent education and support positive student behavior. Lisset’s overall goal is to increase parent education and engagement, support our PTA and ELAC parent groups, and form strong relationships with students and families. She can be reached at [email protected]
Medication Forms
If your child requires medication to be kept at school, please email Ms. Sherri Minor [email protected] to be emailed medication release forms during our first week of school and then return the form ASAP (we cannot administer any medication without the form). Please note that all medication, even over the counter ones, need a medication form signed by your doctor.
Bell Schedules and Schools’ Start/End Times
Please click here to view our school’s updated schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Please note that Thursdays end early at all elementary school sites, and last days of trimesters are minimum days during the 2023-24 school year.
Please click here for the District Calendar At A Glance
Drop Off and Pick-up Procedures:
Morning Drop off - Vehicle Drop
TH School Map Link
School starts at 8:15am - Drop off starts no earlier than 8:00am
K-2nd grade - drop off using the drive through on San Luis Ave. Please DO NOT park in the drive through. You can park on the street if you are not doing a quick drop off.
3rd-5th grade - drop off using the drive through parking lot at the front gate.
Adults should stay inside the vehicle. *If a student needs help getting out of a car seat/seat belt, please do so quickly. Have all materials (lunch, backpacks, masks) ready to go for easy drop-off. Two staff members will be at the drop off location to help support line movement to make drop off quicker. .
Students will walk to the blacktop to play until 8:10am
At 8:10am the warning bell will ring. Students will walk to their room number line.
Please leave campus immediately after drop off to allow for flow of traffic. You can wave goodbye to your child as they walk through the gate with their teacher. Please do not go through the gate. This will help support campus safety.
At 8:15 AM the final bell will ring, your child needs to report to the main office for a tardy pass.
TK Families:
Please use the side pedestrian walkway around the school and drop your child off at their back door. The TK teachers and instructional aids will open the back door starting at 8:00am.
Pedestrian Drop-Off:
Drop off time begins 15 minutes before the school day (8:00AM)
We recommend parents/guardians drop off their child(ren) at the main front gate entrance or come in through the back field.
Students will walk to the blacktop in the back of the school.
**If your child is allowed to walk or bike to and from school, parents MUST email our front office staff giving authorization. Please email our school clerk, Ms. Sherri Minor [email protected]
At 8:15 AM the final bell will ring, your child needs to report to the main office for a tardy pass.
Commuting to school safely
It's critically important for children's safety that you take time now before the start of the school year to plan their route, tune up their wheels and talk with them about road safety. Please see your inbox for a letter this week from Dr. Rudolph that contains resources on our bike safety webpage.
Kinder Dismissal at 1:45pm:
For parents who are walking to campus
Students will exit from the middle gate.
You can wait outside of that gate for the teacher to release your child to you.
For Parents who are picking up by vehicle
Parents/guardians or other individuals picking up children in their car should remain in their vehicles to the extent possible.
Teachers will help students connect to their vehicle/parents/guardians using the drive through on San Luis Ave.
After School Program
If a child is attending an after school program, they will get picked up directly from their classroom.
1st to 2nd grade Dismissal at 2:50pm
Teachers and Front Office Staff will help students connect to their vehicle at the middle gate on San Luis Ave.
Parents/guardians or other individuals picking up children should remain in their vehicles to the extent possible.
Parents can also park and wait at the middle gate for their child to be released. Please do not park in the drive through lane on San Luis Ave.
3rd to 5th grade Dismissal at 2:50 (3rd) 2:55pm (4th/5th):
Teachers and Front Office Staff will help students connect to their vehicle at the front gate.
Parents/guardians or other individuals picking up children should remain in their vehicles to the extent possible.
Parents can also park and wait at the front gate for their child to be released. Please do not park in the drive through lane on San Luis Ave.
*If you have a student in 3rd-5th and a younger sibling, please have the older sibling and younger sibling exit together at the front gate.
Students attending YMCA or Right At School:
YMCA - K students will be picked up at their classroom.
All other students will meet at room 26
Right At School (RAS) - TK/K students will be picked up at their classroom.
All other students will meet at room 22
Beyond The Bell (BTB) - Students will meet at the MUR or Room 18
*Please make sure to contact the program coordinators for absences or early pickups.
Reporting an Absence
Please call the office at 650-903-6925 or email [email protected] to report an absence or late arrival. Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence.
School Supplies and Voluntary Donation Form
We will be furnishing all basic school supplies and textbooks for all students. Donations of items and funds for this purpose are appreciated, but not required. For those able to donate, please fill out this form and bring it to the front office, along with your donation, and our front office staff will provide you with a receipt. These donations can also go towards fun events for recess activities or assemblies!
School Meals are free
MVWSD will continue to provide free meals to all students as part of California’s universal meal program. Breakfast and lunches are available daily. Menus and nutritional analysis can be found on There will be a vegetarian option each day. Students will get their card at the beginning of the lunch line to scan each time they get a meal. Students may bring their own self-contained lunches if desired.
The Mountain View Whisman School District Transportation Department provides transportation for students who are residents of Moffett and students with disabilities who are eligible for this service. For more information, and to apply for a bus pass, please visit this web page.
Stay in touch
Please take a moment and follow our district and school social media accounts. Staying in touch with us on social media will keep you in the loop on important happenings, as well as provide a critical line of communication during emergencies.
Click on the account links below and like or follow to stay in touch!
Mountain View Whisman School District - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo
Theuerkauf Elementary - Facebook, Instagram
Donate to MVEF
Please consider making your annual donation to the Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF). The mission of MVEF is to "work collaboratively with the community to raise funds for programs essential to a well-rounded education for all Mountain View Whisman School District students." MVEF provides funding for the following important programs:
All of the art and music instruction (Grades TK-5) by CSMA.
Hands-on science enrichment (Grades TK-6) by Living Classroom
Science enrichment (Grades 4-5) by Environmental Volunteers
Additional English Language Arts teachers (Grades 6-8).
Supplemental funding for Performing Arts, Music, and Athletics (Grades 6-8)
Your donation will make a difference! Over 70% of our funding comes from MVWSD families, and without your generosity we won't be able to provide these enriching art, music, and science experiences for our students.
Please donate today!
PTA News
PTA: Membership, Meeting and More
As a parent, one of the most direct ways to be involved at Theuerkauf is to support the PTA. You can become an official member by making a $10 donation (plus $1 handling fee) here:
Also, there will be lots of upcoming events where you can volunteer your time: walkathon, friendship dance, and more!
Our first PTA general assembly where we will be discussing upcoming school events will be on Tuesday, August 29th at 6:30-7:30 pm on Zoom (with Spanish translation). We'll discuss the upcoming walkathon and more! Hope you can make it!
Sign up on Konstella Now!
Want to know about school events and classroom happenings? Konstella is a free app for web and mobile that allows family members to find and communicate with each other privately and securely. Visit and click "find your school." In the Note section enter the name of your child's teacher.
District News
No district news this week
“Living Classroom Needs Docents”
Theuerkauf Elementary, Mountain View Whisman School District,1625 San Luis Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043 650-903-6925