February 14, 2024

February 14, 2024


 Principal's Message

Dear Cheetah Community, 

We hope you had a Happy Lunar New Year! Check out our Instagram and Facebook for more pictures of the celebrations last week!  FacebookInstagram


Safety First!

School safety is number one of importance. Please make sure you give our bus drivers plenty of room and are extra cautious when they are near our school. During drop off and pick up it is equally as important to go even slower with extreme caution. Please be responsible (one of our core values) for your actions of safety at and around our school. Thank you. 


Three Days Left! LCAP Survey!

Parents, please check your email to take the LCAP Survey by Friday! If you are still getting an email that means you have not completed it yet. Your answers provide information for our school site plan goals for next year. Feedback is helpful to know what is going well and what needs to be more of a focus. Thank you!


5th grade Parents - Mark your Calendars!

5th grade promotion will be on Thursday, May 30th around 11:15am. More information to come at a later date, but we hope you can attend!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful break spending quality time with these amazing cheetahs! Before the break, I hope to see you at the Principal’s Coffee on Friday where I will be sharing my findings from my 100 Day Plan. Friday is a minimum day!


Happy Valentine’s Day to one of my #1 loves in life - The Theuerkauf cheetah students and community!! 


Warm Regards,

Principal Danielle Lyons

 Important Dates


  • Friday, February 16th - Principal Coffee 8:00-8:30am

  • Friday, February 16th - End of Trimester-Minimum Day- Dismissal 12:10pm

  • Monday, February 19th-23rd- Winter Break- No School

  • Tuesday, February 27th - Science Day by PTA - In-school field trip! 

  • Thursday, February 29th- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00-10:00pm (Zoom)

  • Wednesday, March 6th - Math Night Festival! 5:30-7pm

  • Thursday, March 7th- ELAC Meeting 10:00am

  • Thursday, March 14th- MVWSD Board of Trustees Meeging 6:00-10:00pm (Zoom)

  • Thursday, March 21st- Open House 

  • Monday, March 25th- Teacher Service Day- No School

  • Tuesday, March 26th- PTA General Meeting 6:30pm (Zoom)

  • Friday, March 29th - PTA Family Night “Books & Bites” story, dress-up, raffle 1:45-7pm

  • Monday, April 1st - Book Fair day 1:45-3:30pm

  • Tuesday, April 2nd - Book Fair day 1:45-3:30pm; and 5-6pm

  • Wednesday, April 3rd - Book Last Fair day 1:45-3:30pm

 School News



Please call the 24hour automated Attendance Line at 650-903-6925, X4680 or email  [email protected]  to report an absence or late arrival.  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, grade and room number, reason for absence, name and relationship of the person reporting the absence. After reporting a COVID positive absence on the attendance line or by email click here to fill out the COVID reporting form. When you have a doctor or dentist appointment, please bring your note so the tardiness or absent will be excused. If we do not hear from you within 72 hours, the absence will be marked as unexcused. Please let us know how we can support your student. Thank you


Cool Cat Winners going above and beyond to show or give COURAGE  for Feb. 9th

Xiomara G.                 Rm 15

Patrick R.                    Rm 11

Rosa B.                       Rm 11

Thea S.                       Rm 6

Aarav C.                     Rm 7

Hope C.                      Rm 8

Christian H.                Rm 8

Jack S.                       Rm 12

Russell D.                  Rm 18

Pablo M.                    Rm 12

Celine L.                    Rm 20

Johnny E.                  Rm 22

 District News

Complete your LCAP survey today! (before Feb. 16)

Your responses to the  LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) survey will guide the update of our District plan for the 2024-25 school year. Please help us! Your thoughts in this survey will let our school know what areas to focus on for next year. This is an opportunity for you to tell the District about your priorities for your school. Please click on your unique survey link sent to your email. Your responses are confidential. Students in grades 4-8 will also be taking the LCAP survey. More information found here: mvwsd.org/LCAP


5th, 8th grade promotion dates

Each year we look forward to celebrating with families as our 5th and 8th grade students are promoted to the next school level. This year, the dates are:

  * 5th grade promotion:  Thursday, May 30

  * 8th grade promotion:  Friday, May 31  (9 or 11 am, depending on school), the last day of school

Your school principal will share more specifics about the celebrations as details are available.



MVWSD works to update English Language Arts and Pre-K/TK Curriculum for 2024-25

As part of our district’s focus on literacy, MVWSD is reviewing updated English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for our students in grades K-5 and integrated curriculum in preschool and Transitional Kindergarten. In recent decades, more research on children’s cognitive processes, language development, and reading acquisition has shown that curriculum that includes the Science of Reading helps to ensure children develop strong foundational reading skills, enabling them to become proficient readers. 

The ELA curriculum adoption committee and PK/TK adoption committee are currently piloting two curriculums each. The curriculums are built from the Science of Reading. In addition, the PK/TK curriculums are also aligned with research on language development and play-based learning. 

K-5 ELA Pilot Curriculums:

Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts

McGraw Hill Wonders


PK/TK Pilot Curriculums:

Creative Curriculum by Learning Strategies

Three Cheers for PreK by Savvas

Families and members of the public may preview the K-5 ELA and PK/TK pilot curriculums at the District Office, 1400 Montecito Ave., on the following dates and times:

February 12th at 12:00-1:00

February 15th at 12:00-2:00

February 27th at 4:30-6:00

February 28th at 4:30-6:00

If families and members of the public would like to view at a different time, please contact Cyndee Nguyen, [email protected], to make arrangements. To read more about the curriculum adoption process, please see our district website


Better Together: February

February marks a very important time in our district where we pause to honor and celebrate Black History Month, shining a spotlight on the rich contributions and achievements of African Americans in our community and throughout our shared history. It serves as a reminder to us all to acknowledge the struggles and triumphs that have shaped the Black experience in the US. This month #BetterTogether also encourages us to speak up about the importance of equality, justice, and the ongoing fight against systemic racism. The essential question for the month is: How do I speak up for myself and for others? Black History Month offers us an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the diversity that makes our community strong, and to use our voices to advocate for positive change for all. For more information about Better Together, visit mvwsd.org/BetterTogetherMVWSD.


MVEF: Hiring Lead Executive Director

The Mountain View Education Foundation (MVEF) needs your talent and passion as it seeks a new Lead Executive Director. You can learn more and apply https://www.mvef.org/we-re-hiring


The View Teen Center: February 

The View Teen Center is a free facility in Mountain View (263 Escuela Ave) for all Mountain View and Los Altos 6th - 12th grade students. Drop-in hours are Monday - Friday, 3:15 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 1 - 6 p.m. (Feb. adjusted hours: Open 1-6 p.m.: Feb. 16 and Feb. 20-23, No Drop-In: Feb 19), and the center features a game room, makerspace, kitchen, computer/study room, outdoor area, and much more! See attached flier for details about upcoming events and programs in February or visit their webpage for more information.


City of MV: Summer Camp Fair 

The City of Mountain View Recreation Division will be hosting their Summer Camp Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 28 from 5 - 7 p.m. at the Mountain View Community Center. Summer Camp staff and vendors will be available onsite to answer any questions you may have as you prepare for your youth's summer plans. 2024 Spring & Summer Registration begins Saturday, March 2 at 9 a.m. for Mountain View residents at the Mountain View Community Center. Spring & Summer Activity Guide will be available mid-February. Visit MountainView.gov/Register for more information

 PTA News

**New Quiz Question***  Win vintage Theuerkauf gear! 

PTA is restructuring our Board for next year and we want you to know about it. Answer this quiz question to get a free Theuerkauf lanyard and be entered into a drawing for a Theuerkauf water bottle, beanie or cushion. (You can answer each week.)


Theuerkauf Science Day (2/27) - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
Help us celebrate and teach science! Berkeley Lawrence Hall of Science and our own wonderful Theuerkauf community are partnering together to create a special Science Day!    And we need at least 10-12 volunteers to make this dream a reality.  If you can help, please sign up below:



Principal/PTA Donuts and Coffee  - Friday 2/16
What could be better than coffee and donuts?   Coffee and donuts with other parents and Ms. Lyons!  Come by the front of the school after drop off on Friday, February 16th!

Tuesday Playdates - Every Tuesday
Come to the playground after school on Tuesdays to meet with other Theuerkauf families and let your kids enjoy some outdoor playtime with classmates!   We’ll have a Mardi Gras themed snack this week (2/13).

PTA Board for 2024-2025 School Year
We’re looking for YOU!  Your talents and energy will help make our school even better next year!  We have lots of smaller PTA roles planned for next year so the work commitment won’t be as large for any one individual.  If you’re interested in joining the 2024-2025 team, please email [email protected].  


PTA Discussion at Starbucks - Saturday, March 9th
Come to Starbucks downtown (750 Castro Street) between 6-7 pm on Saturday, March 9th to discuss with Emily the school, PTA, and the new PTA roles for 2024-2025


TK and K Movie Night - Friday, March 1st
As a way to reach out to the TK/K families and get them more involved with the PTA, we are hosting a special movie night on March 1st.  However, if you want to come and learn about the PTA but don’t have TK/K students, you are, of course, still invited.  If possible, please sign up via this link so we know how much pizza to buy!



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